A Seasonally Appropriate Article

Just put up a new article aimed right at the struggles of this holiday season. A snippet below:


Photo Credit: Tobias Björkgren

A holiday can be a particular difficult time for a caregiver. All of the normal daily stress is compounded by the expectations of the celebration, company visiting, and disrupted schedules. Sometimes it can feel like everything was going great until a holiday showed up. But as caregivers we don’t need to despair. The taxing season of holidays can be navigated successfully if we keep a few important things in mind.

First, keep expectations reasonable. We all want it to be like the good old days, but if you are caregiving for an ill family member those days are gone, at least for now. You are living in a new reality. And in this new reality you can’t have a party like you used too, when the world was young and everyone was in good health. What you do, and what you participate in, must be scaled back to match your currently available time and energy. Don’t make yourself guilty about what you can’t do, and don’t let anyone else make you guilty.

Read more here: http://caregivingreality.com/articles/handling-the-holidays/