
Photo Credit: Stanley SagovThe mission of is to help caregivers–and those who know and support caregivers–to successfully face the reality of caregiving. Rundy has eight years of caregiving experience and strives to be a caregiving coach to caregivers everywhere. He has the goal of encouraging and inspiring others to reach their full potential as caregivers. He also aims to enlighten communities about the struggles that caregivers face.

Below are several categories of online resources produced by Rundy. We hope they will be of help to you. Consider thisĀ as life lessons and encouragement from one caregiver to another. If you need medical or legal help please seek out qualified individuals. Nothing on this website is presented as medical or legal education.

  • Books: More information about Rundy’s caregiving memoir, The Sea is Wide, including an excerpt you can read for free.
  • Articles: This section includes reflections on the principles of caregiving, how-to, and narritive essays of personal experience.
  • Videos and Podcasts: Interviews, Q&A, and presentation material.