Old Speaking

Rundy Purdy speakingRundy is available to speak at your event, whether small or large. He is flexible about length, format, topic, and presentation. His talk can be focused specifically on his book The Sea is Wide: A Memoir of Caregiving, or cover more general issues such as Alzheimer’s care, elder care, caregiving, or even topics such as writing.

Rundy has been featured in multiple media outlets, and would be happy to speak with your local or national media organization.

To see what other people have said about Rundy’s presentations, check out the recommendations page.

If you are interested in having Rundy come to your support group event, community, library, church, or conference gathering you can send him an email at the following address: rundy [at] caregivingreality [dot] com

Speaking Material

As an example for a long event (approximately 90 minutes plus any time for Q&A) here are several pieces of event in pdf:

  • Brochure (Note: if you would like to print this file, set your device to print in landscape on both sides and flip on the short edge–if you have the right settings the printed sheet can be neatly folded into a tri-fold brochure)
  • Short event description
  • Book recommendation sheet

If you are interested in knowing when Rundy is speaking at an event near you, consider signing up for our newsletter, or following our rss feed, twitter account, or on facebook.

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Full list of the 32 speaking events from 2015 available here.

With compassion and gentleness, Rundy is reaching out to communities to share his journey of hope with caregivers and their families as he leads his audience through an often emotional and difficult subject of Alzheimer’s caregiving to a fresh perspective. If you are looking to attend an event, or wish to schedule an event please go to: http://caregivingreality.com/speaking/ Whether a small intimate gathering or a large group Rundy is eager to help you!

Unless otherwise noted, all events are free to attend and are open to the public.