Are you facing Alzheimer’s in a loved one? The National Caregiver Alliance estimates that there are 8.9 million adults caring for someone with dementia in the USA. This can be a difficult path to walk.
Rundy Purdy, author of The Sea is Wide: A Memoir of Caregiving will be bringing a message of encouragement and hope to those facing the Alzheimer’s journey. Come hear him share his experience of caring for his grandfather though Alzheimer’s, and enjoy a time of support and inspiration. The event is free and open to the public.
Event details
Date: May 21st, 2016.
Time: 1-3PM
Address: Ross Library, 232 W Main St, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Venue contact: (570) 748-3321
Event on Facebook:
Publicity Material
- Press Release
- Brochure for event
- Event description handout
- Event notification (ideal for an event sign)
- Book recommendation sheet
All material is provided as pdf files. You may view, print, and freely distribute this material. For media representatives looking for a publicity photo of the author, please go to the general publicity page on this website.