Caregiving Support on May 14 at George F Johnson Library

Do you help care Rundy Purdy speakingfor a loved one? The National Caregiver Alliance estimates that there are 34 million informal caregivers in the USA helping someone age 50+ in their life. This can be a difficult path to walk.

Rundy Purdy, author of The Sea is Wide: A Memoir of Caregiving will be sharing a message of encouragement and hope for those facing the journey of caregiving. Come hear him share his caregiving experience and enjoy a time of support and inspiration. The event is free and open to the public.

Light refreshments will be served.

Event details

Date: May 14th, 2016.
Time: 1-3PM
Address: George F Johnson Library 1001 Park St, Endicott, NY 13760
Venue contact: (607) 757-2415
Event on Facebook:

Publicity Material

All material is provided as pdf files. You may view, print, and freely distribute this material. For media representatives looking for a publicity photo of the author, please go to the general publicity page on this website.